An Invitation to a Life in the
Spirit Seminar #57 October 18 - 20, 2024
The BLD Community continues to spread the “Good News” by holding Life in the Spirit Seminars and Reunions. It fosters a deep spirituality - a stronger faith and prayer life. The LSS creates a NEW LIFE - a life-transforming experience that hungers and thirsts for the LORD, the zeal to know, to love and serve HIM. Anyone can easily relate whatever he experienced: a new awareness and perspective in life that the Holy Spirit bestows upon him. He can bear witness to the Truth and seek things that are above, things that are eternal and infinite, which brings ultimate and perfect peace, love and joy.
Ensure the conduct of Life in the Spirit Seminar according to the norms and standard of the Community using
technological innovations in order to simplify processes thereby creating an atmosphere of less work but more
As one of the ministries of Evangelization Apostolate, LSA will continue to support the needs of the BLD Community in performing its tasks as a Private Lay Association of the Faithful. Its established processes are enhanced thereby making it responsive to the needs of all workers within the community as well as in the parishes. The Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) is primarily an evangelical tool, which takes the basic message of Christianity and proclaims it anew so that those who hear it can make an authentic and deeper commitment to the Lord, which will allow them to receive a fuller experience of the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Conduct Life in the Spirit Seminars anywhere around the world through the use of the internet with minimal number
of coordinators in the area of activity.
The Bukas-Loob Sa Diyos LSS is an adaptation of the original Life in the Spirit Seminars developed by the Word of God Community in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Among the revisions BLD introduced is the pre-seminar shepherding concept, which is unique and specific to its experience. Although the seminar covers a period of seven weeks, which correspond to the seven topics, the Community presents all seven talks during the seminar proper.
As we seek to help build the Church through the LSS, we should bear in mind the following goals. 1) Help participants to establish, re-establish or deepen their relationship with Christ. 2) Help participants yield to the action of the Holy Spirit in their lives. 3) Become member of a faith community that can share their Christian life of service using the gifts, fruits and charisms offered through the Holy Spirit and, 4) Begin a new life of discipleship and growth in relationship with Christ. LSA usually conducts Seminar during the months of April and October. Openings are announced during Friday worships and through the BLD website: To be considered, an applicant shall attend LSS orientation and fill-up completely the information and commitment sheets . Through collaboration with other ministries and use of the Internet, Life in the Spirit Seminars can easily be supported anywhere and anytime. All glory and praise be to God!
"To the thirsty I will give water without price from the foundation of the water of life..." (Revelation 21:6)
This promise is for you, for you who want something more...
For you who know that you have a thirst that has not yet been satisfied,
For you who have heard of a water that refreshes as beyond compare,
For you who feel burdened, who feel that you have reached the depths and want to rise,
For you who are on top of the world, but who know that all the world does not have enough,
For you who are full of fears and anxieties, for you who feel hardened and closed,
For you who are full of eagerness and enthusiasm, for you who want all a human being can have,
For all men, there is a promise, a promise made by Your God, by the One who made you.
Perhaps you know Him and have wondered if there should not be more. Perhaps you have only dimly heard of
Him and wish you could find Him.
Now He speaks to you. Now He offers you a promise, a free gift, a new life - without price. He offers it to you freely,
just as He created you freely, because He loves you.
(Taken from the "A Guidebook For The Life In the Spirit Seminar, Finding New Life in the Spirit.")
Ensure the conduct of Life in the Spirit Seminar according to the norms and standard of the Community using
technological innovations in order to simplify processes thereby creating an atmosphere of less work but more
As one of the ministries of Evangelization Apostolate, LSA will continue to support the needs of the BLD Community in performing its tasks as a Private Lay Association of the Faithful. Its established processes are enhanced thereby making it responsive to the needs of all workers within the community as well as in the parishes. The Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) is primarily an evangelical tool, which takes the basic message of Christianity and proclaims it anew so that those who hear it can make an authentic and deeper commitment to the Lord, which will allow them to receive a fuller experience of the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Conduct Life in the Spirit Seminars anywhere around the world through the use of the internet with minimal number
of coordinators in the area of activity.
The Bukas-Loob Sa Diyos LSS is an adaptation of the original Life in the Spirit Seminars developed by the Word of God Community in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Among the revisions BLD introduced is the pre-seminar shepherding concept, which is unique and specific to its experience. Although the seminar covers a period of seven weeks, which correspond to the seven topics, the Community presents all seven talks during the seminar proper.
As we seek to help build the Church through the LSS, we should bear in mind the following goals. 1) Help participants to establish, re-establish or deepen their relationship with Christ. 2) Help participants yield to the action of the Holy Spirit in their lives. 3) Become member of a faith community that can share their Christian life of service using the gifts, fruits and charisms offered through the Holy Spirit and, 4) Begin a new life of discipleship and growth in relationship with Christ. LSA usually conducts Seminar during the months of April and October. Openings are announced during Friday worships and through the BLD website: To be considered, an applicant shall attend LSS orientation and fill-up completely the information and commitment sheets . Through collaboration with other ministries and use of the Internet, Life in the Spirit Seminars can easily be supported anywhere and anytime. All glory and praise be to God!
"To the thirsty I will give water without price from the foundation of the water of life..." (Revelation 21:6)
This promise is for you, for you who want something more...
For you who know that you have a thirst that has not yet been satisfied,
For you who have heard of a water that refreshes as beyond compare,
For you who feel burdened, who feel that you have reached the depths and want to rise,
For you who are on top of the world, but who know that all the world does not have enough,
For you who are full of fears and anxieties, for you who feel hardened and closed,
For you who are full of eagerness and enthusiasm, for you who want all a human being can have,
For all men, there is a promise, a promise made by Your God, by the One who made you.
Perhaps you know Him and have wondered if there should not be more. Perhaps you have only dimly heard of
Him and wish you could find Him.
Now He speaks to you. Now He offers you a promise, a free gift, a new life - without price. He offers it to you freely,
just as He created you freely, because He loves you.
(Taken from the "A Guidebook For The Life In the Spirit Seminar, Finding New Life in the Spirit.")
Any inquiries, contact: Life in the Spirit Apostolate