John 6 (ages 12 - 14) was created to solve the large range of ages both in the Mark 10 and Youth Ministries. They are a special class by themselves due to the physical, emotional and mental development peculiar to their age group. Their needs have to be met in their particular area of growth processes.
The name of John 6 was inspired by the Gospel of John chapter 6 which narrates the story of how a young lad offered his own provisions of bread and fishes to Jesus (check the video below). We saw this as a significant inspirational story for young people - offering themselves and their talents to bring honor and glory to our Lord.
Their Friday Program consist of Worship similar to the Worship format in the Youth Ministry. They have a Word Sharing Circle which is done right after their readings and which is in the middle of their Worship format. The children share their own reflection to the Sunday readings.
Below you will find the formation program for John 6. The 10 Commandments Teachings are given at a deeper level before they attend the Crossing Retreat (given at 2 consecutive Saturdays for half a day). Teachers are from the Mark 10 Ministry and Teaching Ministry. A teaching syllabus was created for each commandment given to an assigned teacher. Each teaching is 30 minutes followed by a workshop developed by the teacher. After the Crossing Retreat the children will be taught The Fruit of the Holy Spirit each month, followed by other topics as listed.
* Youth Encounter Retreat for John 6 and Youth
* John 6 and Mark 10 Healing Mass Sponsorship. Children will serve as Praise, Readers, Altar Servers, Intercessors, Ushers, etc.
* Mark 10 and John 6 Annual Picnic: Children are given the opportunity to be with their BLD friends, spend quality time with their parents and at the
same give the children the chance to see the beauty of God's creation that surrounds them.
* John 6 and Mark 10 kids projects. An example is "Hands United in God's Service" (HUGS). The children collect used bedsheets, blankets, towels,
clothes and donations of tylenol, aspirin, bacitracin, toothbrushes from their families, friends and the BLD community which they send to the poor
families in the mountains of Antique, Philippines. These are sent through in "balikbayan boxes".
* Another of John 6 project created is "HUGS - Educate a child". They collect money from each other each Friday so they can sponsor a child to send
to high school. It takes only $100 to pay for a child's high school tuition fees, books, transportation expenses & lunch money. They will be able to
sponsor 2 children this coming school year and additional 4 children are being sponsored by 2 members of the Mark 10 Ministry. Recipient families
have written to expressed their heartfelt thanks to the children and were deeply touched by the children's generosity.
* A recent project is Haiyan/Yolanda-Aid Efforts to Live Project (HELP), November 2013, in response to the devatating effects from the super storm in
the Phillipines. Many lost their homes and all their personal belongings, including the basic necessities of food and clothing. The children collect the
basic items such as clothing, canned foods, soap, etc which are then sent to the Philippines.
The name of John 6 was inspired by the Gospel of John chapter 6 which narrates the story of how a young lad offered his own provisions of bread and fishes to Jesus (check the video below). We saw this as a significant inspirational story for young people - offering themselves and their talents to bring honor and glory to our Lord.
Their Friday Program consist of Worship similar to the Worship format in the Youth Ministry. They have a Word Sharing Circle which is done right after their readings and which is in the middle of their Worship format. The children share their own reflection to the Sunday readings.
Below you will find the formation program for John 6. The 10 Commandments Teachings are given at a deeper level before they attend the Crossing Retreat (given at 2 consecutive Saturdays for half a day). Teachers are from the Mark 10 Ministry and Teaching Ministry. A teaching syllabus was created for each commandment given to an assigned teacher. Each teaching is 30 minutes followed by a workshop developed by the teacher. After the Crossing Retreat the children will be taught The Fruit of the Holy Spirit each month, followed by other topics as listed.
* Youth Encounter Retreat for John 6 and Youth
* John 6 and Mark 10 Healing Mass Sponsorship. Children will serve as Praise, Readers, Altar Servers, Intercessors, Ushers, etc.
* Mark 10 and John 6 Annual Picnic: Children are given the opportunity to be with their BLD friends, spend quality time with their parents and at the
same give the children the chance to see the beauty of God's creation that surrounds them.
* John 6 and Mark 10 kids projects. An example is "Hands United in God's Service" (HUGS). The children collect used bedsheets, blankets, towels,
clothes and donations of tylenol, aspirin, bacitracin, toothbrushes from their families, friends and the BLD community which they send to the poor
families in the mountains of Antique, Philippines. These are sent through in "balikbayan boxes".
* Another of John 6 project created is "HUGS - Educate a child". They collect money from each other each Friday so they can sponsor a child to send
to high school. It takes only $100 to pay for a child's high school tuition fees, books, transportation expenses & lunch money. They will be able to
sponsor 2 children this coming school year and additional 4 children are being sponsored by 2 members of the Mark 10 Ministry. Recipient families
have written to expressed their heartfelt thanks to the children and were deeply touched by the children's generosity.
* A recent project is Haiyan/Yolanda-Aid Efforts to Live Project (HELP), November 2013, in response to the devatating effects from the super storm in
the Phillipines. Many lost their homes and all their personal belongings, including the basic necessities of food and clothing. The children collect the
basic items such as clothing, canned foods, soap, etc which are then sent to the Philippines.